domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

Bullying: Words can hurt forever...

2 comentarios:

  1. Thanks for this article. It is important that the issue is adressed officially as something real and worrying. As a Profesora Consejera I was asked two years ago to talk to a class where there was bullying going on. I used 3 English lessons to work on a series of tasks to both learn English and about the different forms of bullying and our role as witnesses and actors. We ended up having very rich conversations- not in English,admittedly, but that lead the class to an understanding of tolerance. They learned it was not about liking everybody but about letting others be who they are. Problems didn't stop then, but violence did.

  2. In my opinion, bullying is a problem that has always existed, but now we have found the "name" or "word" to describe these violent/aggressive types of behaviour which occur among children or teenagers. When we adults see behavious that are not appropriate, we must take action to prevent them to happen again or we should teach students values to prevent bullying take place at least at school.
    We have to take into account that both the bully and the victim are showing signs of problems or that something is happening to them. And we should hear both to understand why they behave like that and think about what we can do to help.
    If we can´t talk with all the people involved at least we should show our opinion about bullying as something bad and try yo make our students see why it hurts everybody.
    As a teacher I can say that last year, knowing that something like this was happening at the school where I was working, I planned some lessons to share what bullying is, its different types and what we can do, with my students and my colleagues. Everything was related to verbal and cyber bullying. I read a lot, watched videos and saw films about the topic, because I thought I knew nothing! and found different materials, which are very interesting to share.
    Here I leave the link of a very useful web page for the ones that want to know more and understand some things about the issue that involves children, teenagers, adults, students, teachers, parents... everyone!
